Small Moment #2


Yesterday morning, I met a friend for coffee. We talk often (if texting counts as talking) and we see each other in groups but we're not always good about meeting up alone to chat. Life is busy and we both hate having to put on Outside Pants. In fact, she texted me early yesterday and said, "Do you want to leave your House Pants on and come over here after drop off?" I texted back that I planned to shower and put on Outside Pants but could certainly go to her house. She wrote back, "Well, it is fun to go out, isn't it?" The weather is still surprisingly mild here but it was rather blustery and grey--a perfect day for a really good latte and conversation.

We sat and talked about work and kids and how we hoped to survive both and then I noticed another friend of ours walking into the coffee shop. She came over and talked to us while she waited for her order and it was one of those moments that reminded me that I am rooted here and my life is good.

After we parted, I drove home and, before passing over a set of railroad tracks, I remembered that one of the industrial buildings there had a mural of a squirrel that I loved. I noticed it a few weeks ago and told myself that someday I would stop and take a picture. I almost talked myself out of stopping--I had a call, I needed to write, I needed to go to the bathroom--but, at the last possible moment, I quickly turned and parked.


Hipster Squirrel says it's good to meet friends for coffee and to make U turns in traffic on railroad tracks to take a picture of something that makes you happy. This explains why Hipster Squirrel is twitchy and doesn't have a driver's license.