
Well, up popped a fox! You might have noticed that this blog has been completely redesigned. If you haven't, you may an eye exam or a  mental status assessment.

I've tried changing the design of this blog twice before and people complained and pined for the days of old and I switched everything back. This time, however, the change is permanent.

I know that people loved the pics of the kids in the header but it was time for a change. First of all, I could never keep them updated because I'm busy with work and writing and parenting and peeps and life and worrying and Netflix instant. Secondly, the content of this blog has shifted in the past year or so. Yes, I still write about my kids but I find that I do so less often or differently. I wanted a new design to reflect that shift in my writing.

Because I have been genuinely busy lately, I took a big step and paid to have someone redesign the site for me. I worked with Cynthia at NW Designs to create this new look and she was very patient with me because I agonized over things and had a hard time making decisions. I kept thinking, "WHY IS THIS SO HARD?" And then I remembered that change is hard.

I'll be tweaking things around here for the next few weeks...categorizing posts, updating the pages, etc. but this is basically the all new Up Popped A Fox.  I'm sure we'll all get used to it eventually.