Peep Week - Day 4

I can roll with most peep-related products but this one threw me for a loop - Peepsicles. Clearly, a group of people (my people...wish they would find me and bring me into the fold) were sitting around making peep puns. I know how this happens. We've all done it, right? Okay, maybe I've just done it. Still, they were sitting there and they were thinking peeptastic! peepsters! peeping tom! Okay...maybe not that last one...hopefully not that last one. Anyway, then someones says "peepsicles" and everyone is like "YES!" Had I been in that room, I would have been on board but I would have gone with chocolate covered frozen peeps on a some sort of peepy fudgesicle. But, that is not where they went with this. They made peep flavored syrup that they then put in the plastic sleeves which took me back to the hot summer days of my youth. This is when I realized that I am their target market. In fact, I may be their only market.

Despite my reservations about the product, I couldn't resist buying them and I have enlisted some of the industry's most sophisticated palates for this taste test.

Let's see what they had to say: