Laura Wants to Know It Was Awesome

Hyperbole is one of my closest allies. I can take a simple moment and spin it to epic proportions. Sometimes, I do it to entertain. Sometimes, I do it because I think it’s expected of me. Sometimes, I do it because it’s easy. The past two posts were written for all of those reasons. I don’t really know how to write about the rest of BlogHer in a way that would have meaning for all of you. I was thrilled to meet some of the people I’ve come to know and respect online – Grace Yip, Grace ChuPolly (not a meeting so much as a reunion), Deborah, Deb on the Rocks, Liza, and Riese, Alex and Jess from Autostraddle. Check this post (but ignore the menacing and/or unflattering pictures of me) – Alex talks about two of our meet-ups. I had unexpected encounters that I thoroughly enjoyed – I ogled a woman in an unfortunate mini skirt with Kat as we sipped drinks in some random NY bar and I danced like crazy with Sarah while decked out in glow sticks. I met many more people but I'm afraid to start a list for fear of forgetting someone. I don’t think I learned much from the conference sessions themselves though Alex did teach me about graphs! When I left New York, I was sure that BlogHer was not the place for me but, now, I’m not so sure. This brings to mind a favorite piece of movie dialogue: "Are you really so sure of everything you’re so sure of?/ Sure, aren’t you?/ Not as sure." Can you name the characters and movie?

In the end, I have realized that BlogHer made me feel a little lost. I find myself wondering what I’m doing, with this blog, with my writing. Maybe this is the best kind of lost there is. Maybe in recognizing that I’m lost, I will find my way. To be found, I know that I must trust and believe in myself. I’m not sure how to do that but I know if I don’t, I will once again find myself in that hammock on the Path of Least Resistance. Advice is welcome.

One other thing…

Every week, I am all over the internet and read tons of posts and articles. Sometimes, friends in the real world ask me to compile a list of links for them to read and I realized I'd like to start doing that here too. There is so much out there! So, here are a few things that I loved this week:

Have a great weekend! I'll be back next week. I'm sure of that.