Best Foot Forward

Best Foot ForwardWhat was once Luisa's family's tradition has now become our family's tradition. Each New Year's Day, we all wear a new pair of socks* to start the new year on the right foot and this picture captures our feet on the first day of 2009. The past year has been filled with so many experiences and emotions, both good and bad. There are parts of 2008 that I could have done without but I try not to dwell on those because each moment in time changes us and leads us onward. Now, we have a new year before us...full of potential. I don't believe in resolutions but there are things that I want to accomplish in the coming year. Some of those you will see or read about here and others might be a bit more abstract. I don't mean to sound intentionally cryptic - I'm just still sorting things out for myself. I am hopeful...hopeful that I can challenge myself in new ways...hopeful that better days are coming for all of us. So, Happy New Year to all of you and I wish you all an amazing 2009!

*New tights are also acceptable as evidenced by that one little foot clad in black in the picture.