The Day in Pictures

We only slept about five hours last night which was not nearly enough given that we are still recovering from jet lag.

The good news? We still spent the day seeing ALL THE THINGS! The bad news? I don't have the brain power to tell you a story. Instead, I'll share my day with you in pictures. Here are three of my favorite from today:


All smiles at the Tower of London

The Tower Bridge and the five minutes of sun we had today 

The Tower Bridge and the five minutes of sun we had today 

Part of the old steam engines in the Tower Bridge - I loved that green. So unexpected.  

Part of the old steam engines in the Tower Bridge - I loved that green. So unexpected.  

Look Kids

Now that the kids are older, traveling is easier in many ways. They pack their own suitcases and carry on bags and can be trusted to be responsible for them. They are less likely to dart into the road. Notice I said less likely  because they also think they are old enough to make their own decisions about crossing against lights. They are generally good companions and they can also take pictures of you and for you so that you don't have to rely on selfies. 

Photo Credit: Zeca

Photo Credit: Zeca

Of course, there are some downsides. They have well-articulated opinions about everything and will give a detailed list of reasons that their proposed plan is better than yours. They don't always find your jokes funny. 

 "Look kids! Big Ben, Parliament!" 

"Are you going to say that every time we pass by?" 

"Well, yeah. That's the joke."

*eye roll* 


Summer Vacation

It has been six years since we've been to Europe because international travel was the first thing to go when I quit my job to write.

But today we arrived in London, our first stop on our summer vacation. None of us slept on the flight but after settling into our hotel, we still ventured out and had a beautiful afternoon in Hyde Park. We walked, rented a paddle boat, and the kids had ice cream. The perfect fix for jet lag.

Why am I returning to blogging with this tiny post? No reason other than I want to. I hope to share some pictures and short little stories here and there over the next three weeks -  blogging like the old days. 
