Trying to Find the Beauty in Winter

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The wind is crazy. It's blowing the snow and shaking the windows and the temperatures are dropping. School has been cancelled tomorrow and may be cancelled on Tuesday. Still, when I dropped my kids at a friend's house, I snapped this picture of the park. Winter may have finally broken me because I thought the whole scene was beautiful. I would have stood there taking it all in for longer but my ears would have probably fallen off.


A Winter's Morning


Luisa went skiing this morning and while she made her way through the snowy woods, I sat on the couch under a blanket drinking a cup of coffee and reading a book. At first, I felt guilty. The kids were still in their pajamas and likely playing video games. I had an essay due. There were dishes in the sink. The boxes of Christmas decorations still sat in the foyer. The sidewalk had not been shoveled.

I felt like I should do something about all of that.

But the blanket was warm and Momo was on my lap and the coffee was good and the book had drawn me in and I finally had the good sense to say to myself, "Let it go."

So, I did.

I let it all go and gave myself the gift of reading on a cold winter's morning.



Until Next Time


We all stood on the frozen lake last night and I turned to face the cabin and snapped this picture. The cabin illuminated in the night. I love how warm it looks from the light to the honey-colored wood in the vaulted ceiling. There is always something new to love about this place and, last night, it was seeing it this way.

We are home now and I'm not sure when we'll go back. As we arrived home today, I said "Home again, home again..." and everyone answered, "Jiggety jig."

The kids immediately snuggled under a blanket on the couch and Miguel said, "I'm glad to be home."

Me too.

Until next time.