A New Gig

Aiming LowSo, I have a new writing gig at Aiming Low. I started out as a back-up writer this summer and they posted a couple of my pieces which you should go read because they are brilliant! Alright...maybe not brilliant but decent. Definitely decent. Anyway, they have asked me to write once a week so I hope that you'll pop over there from time to time to read my extremely decent words and maybe even comment. My first official post was published today: The Skymall Rap. You can't resist that, can you?

Let There Be Prizes!

I have recovered from my NaBloPoMo induced stupor and am posting again to formally announce the winners of the UPAF 2010 Scavenger Hunt.  First Place goes to Meghan and Amy who found every single scavenger hunt word! As much as I wanted to break the tie with a bout of sumo wrestling, distance made that impossible. So, both of them will receive an official Up Poppped A Fox coffee mug.

Second Place goes to Kelly who missed only one of the words! For her prize, she asked that I blog every day in December. I knew that I could not follow through with that and also assumed that she was just being nice so I wrote to her and asked if she had any other ideas and she never answered me. Can you believe it? So, in the spirit of  that old saying "Be careful what you wish for", her prize will be a post every day during the month of January. She could have had a CD but nooooooo. This will teach her.

One last item of business...I am thinking of designing some new merchandise for the coming year and am wondering what stuff you might be interested in as prizes in future UPAF giveaways.

Thanks again to all of you! If I could kiss each and every one of you, I wouldn't. Sorry - that would be too germy. Now, if I could give every single one of you a demure stare while I stood in a corner with a gin and tonic, I would totally do that.

Scavenger Hunt Clarification

In the past, the UPAF Scavenger Hunt appealed to only two readers: Meghan and Amy W. This time, more people are playing which is fun, fun, fun. So, I just wanted clarify some things so that everyone keeps playing.  When I put up a post with one of the scavenger hunt words, you simply have to point it out in the comments. You do not have to be first. You just have to answer within 24 hours. When the time is up on that post, I will put a note in the comments that says the scavenger hunt is closed for that one. This way, everyone can play and no one has to sit at their computers waiting for posts. Not that I don't want people hanging on my every word but... So - play on!