Peep Week 2013 Day 4

peep2013Oh...I am weary. My stomach is full of chocolate and peeps (and maybe a few jelly beans - also nachos). I was about to say that today's treat gave me a stomach ache but, as I recount my stomach contents, I don't think it's fair to blame the peeps. Today, we made molten chocolate lava peep cakes. I'm not certain about the order of those words but have been immobilized by the chocolate lava so cannot move to go look up the proper name of the recipe. I took the recipe from this book once again.

The video is really long. I'm sorry about that. Think of it as a cooking show because the kids are pretty adorable and I couldn't cut any of the footage. Actually, I did cut the section in which Miguel was carrying chocolate chips to the stove and I was all "Please don't drop them but I know you're gonna drop them!" and he was all, "You have so little faith in me and maybe you should do this yourself and also you owe me allowance." It was just too long.

So yes, this is like a little cooking and tasting show. If you just want to skip to the tasting, that part starts around 5:03.

Miguel had a point about the appearance. Guess which ones are ours?



The other thing I will say is that neither child finished theirs because it was so rich. I finished mine...and I regret it.

Bon appétit!


Peep Week 2013 - Day 3

peep2013Last year, as Peep Week 2012 was drawing to a close, I bought the Peeps Recipe and Crafts Book with the hope that it would provide endless inspiration for this year's Peep Week. While it has not provided endless inspiration, we have picked out a couple of things to try this year. First up? Peep fondue.

Think of the great culinary combinations that involve marshmallows and chocolate - hot chocolate with marshmallows, s'mores, peep s'mores, Rocky Road ice cream*! Marshmallows and chocolate were meant for each other so peep fondue seems perfect.

Here is the recipe:

1 1/2 cups of heavy cream

1 pound of bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped (I used a pound of bittersweet chips)

24 Peeps

Bring the cream to a simmer in a sauce pan and then whisk in the chocolate and stir until melted and smooth. Then transfer the chocolate to a fondue pot and enjoy.

You should know that this makes A LOT of fondue. All the fondue! In fact, six people ate fondue (including peeps, apples, strawberries, clementines, madelines and bananas) and I still have at least half of it in a container in my refrigerator. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it but I don't want to waste it!

Here is our fondue report...

Obviously, any chocolate fondue recipe would work for this so give it a try.

Peeps and chocolate - they go together like rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong!

Peep Week 2013 - Day 2

peep2013Today, we went to Walgreens to pick up the other new product that I alluded to in yesterday's post - the Big Ass Bunny. That is not the real name of the product, of course.

They call them Large Marshmallow Bunnies which lacks imagination if you ask me and, because you are reading my blog, I will assume that you did ask me.

But, as we wandered the Peep aisle at Walgreen's, we also ran across a product that I had not seen on the Peep website or at the Peep store - Bubble Gum flavored Peeps! I was horrified and the children were jubilant and said, "We have to taste those too. We have no choice."

I do so appreciate their commitment to the mission of Peep Week.

So, today, we tasted both and now I feel like I got punched in the gut by a Big Ass Bunny. Let's see what our experts had to say?

Has anyone seen the Bubble Gum Peeps or Large Marshmallow Bunnies?

Has anyone tasted them?

Let us know what you think.